Monday, July 24, 2006

inFlect goes up my art

Hotel Congress, Tucson

I love and hate computers. I love them when they work. I hate them when they don't. And they tend not to work when you need them most. Mine attempted to commit suicide yesterday, presumably as a cry for help. But it couldn't keep me away from the internet for long.

Issue 3 of the multimedia journal of writing, inFlect, is up and contains a new piece of my work, Eye in the Making.

I'm really pleased to be up there in the same journal as so many interesting people who I don't dare think of as peers. I'm not worthy, etc. etc.!

Please check it out if it interests you:

Thursday, July 13, 2006


I'm sitting here, in a coffeeshop, at 4:30pm, and glance out of the window because I can hear police sirens. They cut in front of a guy, forcing him to pull over, and pull him out of the car with a GUN to his head!

That is totally f***ed up. Almost as f***ed up as the reaction of the people in this coffeeshop. Morbid speculation and a desire for bloodshed so obvious that they might as well come out with it and say it. One thing's for sure, I'm the only one here who has moved AWAY from the window, and the potential trajectory of a 9mm speeding bullet. Have these people never heard the expression "innocent bystander"? Do they never watch Fox News? If they did, they'd realise that the leading cause of death worldwide is gunfire exchanges in crowded streets. It's a miracle any of us are still alive.

BTW, it turns out that the kids who were pulled over had gone on the run because they were under 21 and had a crate of Miller High Life in the trunk. I'd have also resisted arrest - I'd never want anyone to know I had such a crap beer in the boot.